Key to rapid planet formation
Researchers at LMU, the ORIGINS Excellence Cluster, and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) have developed a new model to explain the formation of giant planets.
Groundbreaking study reveals secrets of planet formation
A team of astronomers, including physicists from LMU, has gained new insights into the process of planet formation.
Til Birnstiel receives ERC Consolidator Grant
Through Consolidator Grants, the European Research Council (ERC) helps excellent scientists expand and consolidate their innovative research.
Three LMU physicists make Highly Cited Researchers list
The latest analysis of publications places seventeen LMU scientists and academics, including three phycicists, among the most successful in their chosen field.
"New Horizons in Physics"-Prize for Til Birnstiel
The LMU astrophysicist has won the award for his modeling of dust traps in protoplanetary disks, solving a long-standing puzzle in planet formation.
11 JanPublic Talk by Til Birnstiel at the Deutsches Museum
Til Birnstiel presents an outreach talk in the Deutsches Museum on current research on planet formation.