Physics of Life
Specialization within Master of Physics
Specialization within Master of Physics
In a coordinated hiring initiative, we have assembled a team of internationally renown researchers in Biophysics. The Faculty of Physics has declared this rapidly expanding field as one of its focus areas, and offers a special curriculum to motivated Master students. Depending on the interests and skills, this curriculum offers various options and combinations of courses: Students seeking a casual introduction to Biophysics are equally welcome as those wanting to become experts in Nanobiotechnology.
Regular lectures are offered at least once in a 2-year cycle and while it is better to take them in below sequence, this is not always possible. This can be compensated by browsing through the published slides of the previous lectures.
3+1 means 3 SWS ("Semesterwochenstunden", "semester hours per week") lecture + 1 SWS tutorial
The following lectures are offered at irregular intervals and can be taken in any sequence.
Many of the lectures offer accompanying seminars. In addition, seminars on biophysics topics are offered on a regular basis to get students in touch with current topics in the field and get in touch with groups for possible Master thesis in biophysics. The aim is to get students in touch with the most recent literature in the field.
Biophysics lab classes take typically place only during the first weeks of the summer semester break. They are organized in a consecutive way and build up hand-on skills step by step.
Find information on the lab course website.
The requirements for the biophysics certificate are 18 ECTS Biophysics lectures and 6 ECTS from either seminar or lab classes by one of the biophysics professors in conjunction with a master thesis supervised by one of the biophysics professors.
After you have fulfilled the curriculum you may request the certificate at the Examination Office.
For the compulsory lectures we have no strict recommendations but advanced statistical physics (9 ECTS) and advanced solid-state physics (9 ECTS) seem to be a natural choice to supplement biophysics. For the elected lectures, we recommend the experimental lectures BPM, BPZ, and BPS (at best, but not necessary in this order), and at least one of the theoretical lectures BPND and BPSP. We recommend however for a really profound biophysics education to add 9 ECTS in lectures on related topics and 3 ECTS in seminar/ lab class.
Overview of lectures and seminars from previous years
Summer term 2024
Winter term 2023/24
Summer term 2023
Winter term 2022/23
Summer term 2022
Winter term 2021/22
Summer term 2021
Winter term 2020/21
Summer term 2020
Winter term 2019/20
Summer term 2019
Winter term 2018/19
Summer term 2018
Winter term 2017/18
Summer term 2017
Winter term 2016/17
Summer term 2016
Winter term 2015/16
Summer term 2015
Winter term 2014/15
Biophysics of the Cell (Do 14-18, Kl. Phys. HS, Rädler & Liedl)
Biophysics of Systems (Mo 12-16, Schellingstr. 4, H 537, Braun)
Stochastic Processes in Physics and Biology (Di 16-18, Fr 12-14, Theresienstr. 39 B-139, Frey)
Theoretische Grundlagen und Methoden der Molekularen Biophysik (Di 14-16, Do 16-18, Schellingstr. 4, H206, Mathias)
Statistical modeling and Machine Learning (Thur 15:00-18:00h, Room A 4.01 at the Gene Center)
E1: Mechanik für Bachelor, Bachelor plus, Lehramt Gymnasium, Bachelor mit Nebenfach Experimentalphysik, Di 10 - 12 Uhr c.t., Fr 10 - 12 c.t., Großer Physiksaal (N 120)
Potenzielle Bachelorarbeitsthemen (Seminar Room LSGaub, Gaub, Liedl, Lipfert)
Physics of Evolution (Fr 12.30-14.00, Schellingstr. 4, H206. Braun)
Aktuelle Literatur zur Einzelmolekülbiophysik (Gaub)
Anwendungen moderner spektroskopischer Methoden (OET, 14-18, Zinth)
Experimentelle Biophysik, Oberseminar, 2-stündig, Mo 10:30-12 Uhr s.t., Seminarraum LS Gaub, Amalienstr. 54,
Science rocks! Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium der Münchner Nanowissenschaften (Do 17:45-19:15, N110, Liedl & Höegele)
Lunch Seminar: Soft Matter and Biophysics (Di 12:00, N110, Liedl, Rädler, Frey, Gerland)
Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik und des Center for Nanoscience (Fr 15.30-17.00, kl. Phys. HS, N020)
Summer term 2014
>> Biophysics Summer Lab Course 4.8.-22.8.2014 << (please apply before 19th of July! )
Biophysics of Macromolecules (Rädler + Lipfert)
Einführung in die Biophysik (Zinth)
Theoretical Biophysics (Frey)
Biophysics of the Cellulosome, 3-stündig, Mo 14-17 Uhr c.t., Amalienstr. 54, Seminarraum LS Gaub
Physics of Evolution (Braun)
Computational Methods in Biophysics (Zan + Klaus Schulten)
Aktuelle Literatur zur Einzelmolekülbiophysik (Gaub)
Science rocks! Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium der Münchner Nanowissenschaften (Do 17:45-19:15, N110, Liedl)
Lunch Seminar: Soft Matter and Biophysics (Di 12:00, N110, Liedl, Rädler, Frey, Gerland)
Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik und des Center for Nanoscience (Fr 15.30-17.00, kl. Phys. HS, N020, Hennig)
Winter term 2013/14
Biophysics of the Cell (fällt leider aus!)
Theorie der Hirnfunktion (Di, Do 14-16, Schellingstr. 4, H 537, Tavan)
Soft condensed matter physics (Do 14-16, N110, Rädler, Nickel)
Mikrobiologie für Physiker (Mo 8.15-10, Theresienstr. 37, A249, Leisner)
Statistical modeling and Machine Learning (We 15:00-18:00h, Room A 4.01 at the Gene Center)
Oberseminar: Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie (Di 10.30-12, Oettingenstr. 67, OET L155, Zinth/Riedle)
Aktuelle Probleme der Theoretischen Biophysik (Fr. 10-12, Oettingenstr. 67, OET L046, Tavan)
Aktuelle Literatur zur Einzelmolekülbiophysik (Gaub)
Oberseminar: Experimentelle Biophysik, Oberseminar, 2 stündig, Mo 10:30 - 12 Uhr s.t., Seminarraum LS Gaub
Science rocks! Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium der Münchner Nanowissenschaften (Do 17:45-19:15, N110, Liedl)
Lunch Seminar: Soft Matter and Biophysics (Di 12:00, N110, Liedl, Rädler, Frey, Gerland)
Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik und des Center for Nanoscience (Fr 15.30-17.00, kl. Phys. HS, N020, Hennig)
Summer term 2013
Biophysics of the Cell (Di, 14-17.30, N020, kleiner Physikhörsaal, Liedl, Lohmüller & Braun)
Systems Biophysics with Seminar (Mo 12.00-17.00, H030, Rädler & Tavan)
Advanced Statistical Physics (Statistical Physics II) (Mo 10.15-12, Fr. 10.15-12, Frey)
Nonlinear Dynamics (Di 10-12, Fr 12-14, Sommerfeld Center A348/349, Theresienstr. 37, Gerland)
Programming in LabView and Simulating in FEMLab (Kl. Phys. Hörsaal, Fr 12.15-14.00, Braun)
Mikrobiologie für Physiker (Mo 8.15-10, Theresienstr. 37, Raum A348, Leisner)
Aktuelle Probleme der Theoretischen Biophysik (Fr. 10.15-12, Oettingenstraße 67(L) L0.46, Tavan)
Theoretische Grundlagen der Molekularen Biophysik (Di 12.15-14, N 020 Kl. Physik-Hörsaal, Tavan)
Science rocks! Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium der Münchner Nanowissenschaften (Do 17:45-19:15, N110, Liedl)
Lunch Seminar: Soft Matter and Biophysics (Di 12:00, N110, Liedl, Rädler, Frey, Gerland)
Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik und des Center for Nanoscience (Fr 15.30-17.00, kl. Phys. HS, N020, Hennig)
Winter term 2012/13
Biophysics of Molecules (Mo 12.30-16, Schelling 4, H537 5th floor, Braun & Liedl)
Stochastic Processes in Physics and Biology (Mo 14.15-16, Mi 14.15-16, Theresienstr. 37, A348, Frey)
Theoretische Grundlagen der Molekularen Biophysik (Di 14.15-16 H030 Gr. Physik-Hörsaal, Do 14.15-16, N020, kl. Phys., Tavan)
Biophysics of the Cellulosome (Probably Mo 14.15-17, Seminarraum LS Gaub, Gaub)
Mikrobiologie für Physiker (Mo 8.15-10, Theresienstr. 37, A249, Leisner)
Aktuelle Probleme der Theoretischen Biophysik (Fr. 10.15-12, Oettingenstraße 67(L) L0.46, Tavan)
Anwendungen moderner spektroskopischer Methoden (Mo 9.15-12, Oettingenstraße 67(L) L0.46, Zinth)
Theoretische Grundlagen der Molekularen Biophysik (Di 12.15-14, N 020 Kl. Physik-Hörsaal, Tavan)
Science rocks! Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium der Münchner Nanowissenschaften (Do 17:45-19:15, N110, Liedl)
Lunch Seminar: Soft Matter and Biophysics (Di 12:00, N110, Liedl, Rädler, Frey, Gerland)
Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik und des Center for Nanoscience (Fr 15.30-17.00, kl. Phys. HS, N020, Hennig)
Summer term 2012
Biophysik der Zelle (Di 14-17.30, H030, Braun, Gerland, Rädler,Liedl)
Einführung in die Biophysik (Mo 14-18, Zinth)
Spektroskopische Methoden der molekularen Biophysik (Mi 10-12, Oettingenstr. 67, L 046, Zinth)
Physics of Evolution (Mi 12-14, Schellingstr. 4, U123, Braun)
Weitere Seminar/Vorlesungen:
Science rocks! Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium der Münchner Nanowissenschaften (Do 17:45-19:15, N110, Liedl)
Lunch Seminar: Soft Matter and Biophysics (Di 12:00, N110)
Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik und des Center for Nanoscience (Fr 15.30-17.00, kl. Phys. HS, N020, Hennig)
Winter term 2011/12
Introduction to Theoretical Biophysics (Mi 10-12, A 348 & Fr 8-10 A 449, Gerland)
Biophysik der Moleküle (Mo 14-17, kl. Phys. HS, N020, Gaub & Liedl)
Stochastic Processes in Physics and Biology, (Mi 14-15.45, Fr 12-13.45, Theresien 37, 348/9, Frey)
Theorie der Hirnfunktion (Di 14-16 H537, Do 14-16 kl. Phys.HS, Tavan)
Anwendungen moderner spektroskopischer Methoden (Do 14-16, Oettingenstr. 67, L 046, Zinth)
Physics of Evolution (Do 12-14, Schellingstr. 4, 5. Stock, Cens Besprechungsraum, Gerland & Braun)
Journal Club on Biophysics and Cell Dynamics (Mo 16:30-18, N110, Heinrich)
Physik der dynamischen Prozesse in lebenden Zellen (Mo 15-16:30, N110, Heinrich & Sackmann)
Theoretische Biophysik neuronaler Netze (Di 12-14, kl. Phys. HS, N020, Tavan)
Biophysikalisches Seminar: Potenzielle Bachelorarbeitsthemen (Start: 8.11. Amalienstr. 54, 1. Stock)
Science rocks! Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium der Münchner Nanowissenschaften (Do 17:45-19:15, N110, Liedl)
Lunch Seminar: Soft Matter and Biophysics (Di 12:00, N110)
Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik und des Center for Nanoscience (Fr 15.30-17.00, kl. Phys. HS, N020, Hennig)
Experimentelle Biophysik (Mo 10.30-12:00, Amalienstr. 54, 1. Stock, Gaub)
Experimentelle Biophysik (Mo 9.30-11:00, NU114, Braun)
Aktuellen Fragen der DNA Nanotechnologie (Mi 9-11, Seminar, N110, Liedl)
Aktuelle Fragen aus der Physik weicher Materie (Mi 13-14, Rädler)
Aktuelle Probleme der Theoretischen Biophysik (Fr 10-12 Uhr, Oettingenstr. 67, L 046, Tavan)
Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie (Do 10-12 Uhr, Oettingenstr. 67, 151, Zinth & Riedle)
Neue Ergebnisse auf dem Gebiet ultraschneller Vorgänge (Do 8-10, Oettingenstr. 67, 151, Zinth & Riedle)
Aktuelle Arbeiten zur organischen Elektronik und zu biologischen Grenzflächen (Do 9-10, N110, Nickel)
Aktuellen Fragen aus der Physik weicher Materie, Seminar (Mi 13-14, N110, Nickel)
Summer term 2011
Einführung in die Biophysik (Rädler, Mo 14.00-17.30, Kleiner Physikhörsaal)
Biophysik der Zelle (Gaub, Di 14.15-17, Kleiner Physikhörsaal)
Biophysics of Systems (Braun, Tue 10.15-14, Kleiner Physikhörsaal)
TM1/TV: Advanced Statistical Physics (Gerland, Mi 12.15-13:30 & Fr 12.15-13.45, Kleiner Physikhörsaal)
Programming with Labview and Simulating in Femlab for (Bio)Physicists
(Braun, Fr. 12.15-14, Kleiner Physikhörsaal)
Informationstheorie und Signalrekonstruktion (Enßlin/Frey, Mo 10-12 & Mi 14.15-15, Theresienstr. A 449)
Lunch-Seminar: Soft Matter and Biophysics (Di 12.00, N110)
Seminar: Aktuelle Arbeiten zur Biophysik an Grenzflächen (Nickel, Do 9.15-10, N 110)
Seminar: Journal Club on Biophysics and Cell Dynamics (Heinrich, Mo 16.30-18, N 110)
Seminar: Strategies of Evolution (Braun, Fr. 10.15-12)
Lab-Seminar: Experimental Biophysis (Gaub, Mo 10:30-12:30, LS Gaub)
Lab-Seminar: Aktuelle Fragen aus der Physik weicher Materie (Rädler, Mi 13-14, N 110)
Winter term 2010/11
Biophysics of Molecules (Kl. Phys. Hörsaal, Mo 14-16 & Do 8-10, Rädler)
Stochastic Processes in Physics and Biology (A449, Mo 10–12 & Mi 10–12, Gerland)
Theoretische Grundlagen der Molekularen Biophysik (Kl. Phys. Hörsaal, Di 14-16 & Do 14-16, Tavan)
Einführung in die Laserphysik (Kl. Phys. Hörsaal, Mo 10-12, Mi 10-11, Zinth/Huber)
Lunch Seminar: Soft Matter and Biophysics (N110, Di 12.00, Rädler)
Seminar: Anwendungen moderner spektroskopischer Methoden (L046, Oettingenstr. 67, Do 14-16, Zinth)
Seminar: Evolutionary Dynamics of Molecules (H206, Di 16.15, Braun&Gerland)
Seminar: Theoretische Grundlagen der Molekularen Biophysik (Kl. Phys. Hörsaal, Do 16-18, Tavan)
Seminar: Aktuelle Probleme der Theoretischen Biophysik (169, Oettingenstr. 67, Fr 14-16, Tavan)
Seminar: Self-organisation and Morphogenesis (N110, Mo 15.00, Heinrich)
Seminar & Journal Club: Biophysics and Cell Dynamics (N110, Mo 16.30, Heinrich)
Programming in LabView and Simulating in FEMLab (H206, Di 10.15, Braun)