Serwane Group

Welcome to the Serwane Research Group on mechanobiology and neuronal networks

Our team integrates concepts of physics and biology to develop a model system for a retinal neuronal network.
The high accessibility and tunability of our in vitro system will allow us to address fundamental questions at the interface between physics and biology:

  • What are the mechanical cues that guide the self-organization of retina tissues?
  • How are light-induced neuronal signals processed within these tissues?
  • Can we use these systems as powerful in vitro disease models?

To address these questions we join forces with the Soft Condensed Matter Group at the Department of Physics at LMU and the Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy).

To illuminate the role of mechanics, we will use ferrofluid droplets as mechanical actuators, a technique which has been developed by us (Serwane et al., Nature Methods, 2017) and has been used to understand the role of mechanics in 3D developing tissues (Mongera et al., Nature 2018).

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Find a list of all publications by the Serwane Group on this page.

Open Positions

If you are interested in joining the lab, please take a look at our open positions.

Theses collection


  • Light-sheet microscopy of 3D activity in neural organoids, 2022


  • Quantification of Glioblastoma Mechanics in Brain Organoids Using Ferrofluid Droplets, 2023
  • Statistical Analysis of Network Activity in Mouse Retinal Organoids, 2023
  • An Open-top Oblique Light-sheet Microscope for Neural Network Imaging, 2023
  • A Scalable Pipeline for Volumetric Calcium Imaging Analysis, 2022

Molecular Biotechnology

  • Characterization of Amyloid β plaque formation in vitro, 2022


  • Simulation and Development of a Microfluidic Biochip to Cultivate Organoids, 2022


  • An incubation chamber for retinal organoid imaging, 2017

Group members

Name Position
Serwane, Friedhelm Chair of Experimental Physics - Soft Condensed Matter
Volkov, Georgii Master Student
Frischmann, Michael PhD Student
Brinkop, Achim PhD Student
Hadalin, Vlasta PhD Student
Rogler, Teresa PhD Student
Shelton, Elijah Postdoc
Lackmann, Marie Technical Assistant


James, RebeccaTechnical Assistant
Rose, RolandTechnical Assistant
Schorre, FlorianTechnical Assistant
Sonntag, SelinaTechnical Assistant
Glanz, LenaGraduate Assistant
Göcergi, ZiyaBachelor Student
Kiessler, FilippoMaster Student
Thielen, AlinaMaster Student
Willenberg, SebastianMaster Student
Salbaum, KatjaPhD Student
Wysmołek, PaulinaPhD Student
Gallali, MariamIntern