
A steadily growing collection of pictures of the LMU Observatory, Wendelstein Observatory, astrophysical images and more.

Astrophysical Images

  1. Whirlpool Galaxy M51

Wendelstein's view of the Orion nebula M42 taken with the Wendelstein Wide Field Imager (WWFI)

Wendelstein's View of the galaxy-pair M51 taken with the Wendelstein Wide Field Imager (WWFI)

© Wendelstein-Observatorium

Wendelstein's View of the Triangulum Galaxy, Messier 33

Wendelstein's View of the Veil Nebula

Images of and around the Wendelstein Observatory

  1. Surrounding mountains of the Wendelstein Observatory with a view of the 2m-Fraunhofer-Telescope
© Raphael Zöller
© Raphael Zöller
© Raphael Zöller
© Raphael Zöller

The old refractor building with open dome and visible telescope

© Leonard Kramer

Inside the LMU Observatory

First floor of the LMU Observatory (USM) main building

© Leonard Kramer

Ground floor of the LMU Observatory's main building

© Leonard Kramer

Typical Workspace at the LMU Observatory

© Leonard Kramer

Ground floor of the LMU Observatory (USM) main building

The old refractor building with its dome at golden hour

© Christian Obermeier

Outside the Facility

The LMU Observatory main building (picture taken from the surrounding garden)

© Leonard Kramer

Garden area between the main building and the old refractor building

© Leonard Kramer
© Christian Obermeier

Historical Instruments

The old refractor telescope inside the older domed building at the LMU Observatory

© Leonard Kramer
© Leonard Kramer