Representatives of our non-permanent Staff and of our Student Body

The representatives are elected by fellow PhD students / Postdocs for the period of a year. To ensure a mix of experienced and new representatives, their terms should overlap rather than replacing all representatives at once.

Function / What we do

Representatives generally have the primary role of liaising withfaculty, staff and students at the USM as a way of enhancing communication and student involvement in decision-making processes.

We organize events and activities (like the Game nights or the Movie nights) to foster connections among non-permanent staff members. Sign up to the respective mailing lists (students, PhD, postdocs) to get our notifications for upcoming events!

We compile the USM weekly newsletter and maintain the Onboarding-Guide for newcomers.

USM members in need of advice on sensitive topics or resources can approach the reps in a non-binding and discrete manner.

Information useful for students of the Astrophysics Master's program can be found at the website of our Master student representative. You can acquire the password for that page by e-mailing the master student representatives.

Contact us!

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions, concerns or suggestions.

Your input is invaluable to us, and we are here to support you throughout your presence at USM!

Current Representatives (end of term: December 2023):

Raphael Zöller

PhD Student

Yun-Hsin Hsu


Dr. Steffen Hagstotz

Academic staff

Dr. Matthias Klein

Staff Scientist

Large multi-wavelength surveys, galaxy clusters: cosmology & astrophysics, galaxy evolution, Radio & X-ray AGN, LSS

Iason Saganas
Ali Assadollah