Exoplanet Observation Group

Main Research Interest

In-depth characterisation of explanetary systems, in terms of planet radii, masses and orbital architecture. Transiting planets offer unique insights into the true nature of alien worlds - building on the legacy from Kepler and TESS, we are ramping up for the PLATO mission which will deliver a homogeneous planet catalogue. Proper treatment of stellar activity is imperative for precise and accurate planet parameters - both for small, long-period planets and young planets around active stars.

Dr. Louise Nielsen

Staff Scientist & Fraunhofer-Schwarzschild Fellow

Exoplanet observations & modelling, precise radial velocities, planet interiors, stellar activity, young planets

Keith Baka

PhD Student

Transiting planets, radial velocity follow-up, stellar activity, preparing for PLATO

Benjamin Wechselberger

Master's Student

Modeling transits and radial velocity observations, Gaussian processes and stellar activity

Independent Fellows & External Members

Dr. David Cont

Fraunhofer-Schwarzschild Postdoctoral Fellow

Exoplanet atmospheres

Luis Thomas

PhD Student

Hannah Osborne

PhD Student

Internal structure of small planets, homogeneous analysis of planet masses, precise radial velocities