A list of recent publications by ACAI members
A list of recent publications by ACAI members
We introduce a set of numerical and conceptual tools to describe scalar fields with finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, and to study their behaviour in expanding cosmological backgrounds.
We present initial results from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation secondary target survey.
With the 3kk imager at the 2m Fraunhofer telescope at Wendelstein Observatory, Germany, we have observed the highest probability candidate host galaxies.
We study gravitational back-reaction within relational time formulations of quantum mechanics by considering two versions of time.
MORPHOFIT consists of a series of modules for estimating galaxy structural parameters.
We analyse the Kormendy relations of the three Hubble Frontier Fields clusters, Abell S1063 at z = 0.348, MACS J0416.1-2403 at z = 0.396, and MACS J1149.5+2223 at z = 0.542, as a function of wavelength.
This paper presents a cosmological analysis of the fourth data release of the Kilo Degree Survey based on the density split statistics.
This work, together with its companion paper, Secco, Samuroff et al., present the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 cosmic-shear measurements and cosmological constraints based on an analysis of over 100 million source galaxies.
We study the connection of matter density and its tracers from the probability density function (PDF) perspective.
In this review, we focus on the greatest common challenges and prospects for improvement in applications of photometric redshifts to the next generation of surveys.
We describe and test the fiducial covariance matrix model for the combined two-point function analysis of the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 (DES-Y3) data set.
In this work, we forward-model the Physics of the Accelerating Universe Survey (PAUS) narrow-band data.
We present new measurements of the flux power-spectrum P(k) of the z < 0.5 H I Lyman-α Forest spanning scales k ∼ 0.001-0.1 s km^{-1}.
We present a new method for determining the thermal state of the intergalactic medium based on Voigt profile decomposition of the Lyα forest.