Dr. Sebastian Bocquet
Senior Staff Scientist
LMU Observatory
cosmology, galaxy clusters, large-scale structure, Bayesian statistics, machine learning

Senior Staff Scientist
LMU Observatory
cosmology, galaxy clusters, large-scale structure, Bayesian statistics, machine learning
Dr. Bocquet studies the evolution of cosmic structure formation using observables such as galaxy clusters, weak gravitational lensing, and galaxy dynamics from multi-wavelength datasets. He is actively involved in multiple cosmological surveys that explore the sky and the universe at different wavelengths: the South Pole Telescope (SPT, millimeter-waves or microwaves) and the Dark Energy Survey (DES, optical galaxy survey with a focus on weak gravitational lensing). He is also involved in the Euclid survey and the upcoming Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) (both are optical lensing surveys) and CMB-S4, a next-generation ground-based mm-wave survey. To analyze these survey data, Dr. Bocquet employs numerical simulations, Bayesian statistics, and machine-learning techniques.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Bocquet obtained his PhD in Astrophysics from LMU in 2015. He then moved on to Chicago as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Argonne National Laboratory and Associate Fellow at the KICP at the University of Chicago. In 2018, he came back to LMU as a Research Scientist and transitioned to a permanent Senior Research Scientist position in 2023.
Professional Service
Coordinator of the Astrophysics Masters program at LMU
Euclid Consortium: Co-lead of Cluster Likelihood work package
Main organizer of workshop ”Advances in Cosmology through Numerical Simulations" at MIAPbP (2022)
Dark Energy Survey: Co-convener of the Clusters Working Group (2020–2024)
Dark Energy Survey: Member of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee (2021–2023)
Dark Energy Survey: DESxSPT Clusters Analysis Team co-convener (2019–2021)