
Our recent slate of preprints and publications in peer-reviewed journals


(P4) L. Nan, A. Mancini, T. Weber, G. L. Seah, E. Cortés, A. Tittl, and S. A. Maier, Highly confined incident-angle-robust surface phonon polariton bound states in the continuum metasurfaces, arXiv:2403.18743 (2024).

(P3) R. Berté, T. Possmayer, A. Tittl, L. S. Menezes, and S. A. Maier, Emergent resonances in a thin film tailored by optically-induced small permittivity asymmetries, arXiv:2403.05730 (2024).

(P2) A. Rossetti, H. Hu, T. Venanzi, A. Bousseksou, F. De Luca, T. Deckert, V. Giliberti, M. Pea, I. Sagnes, G. Beaudoin, P. Biagioni, E. Baù, S. A. Maier, A. Tittl, D. Brida, R. Colombelli, M. Ortolani, and C. Ciracì, Origin of optical nonlinearity in plasmonic semiconductor nanostructures, arXiv:2402.15443 (2024).
arXiv:2312.00547 (2023).

(P1) H. Zheng, H. Hu, T. Weber, J. Wang, L. Nan, B. Zou, S. A. Maier, and A. Tittl,
All-Dielectric Structural Coloration Empowered by Bound States in the Continuum, arXiv:2311.13315 (2023).


[57] A. Aigner, F. Ligmajer, K. Rovenská, J. Holobrádek, S. A. Maier, A. Tittl, and L. S. Menezes, Active Loss Engineering in Vanadium Dioxide Based BIC Metasurfaces,Nano Letters (2024-08)

[56] A. Aigner, T. Weber, A. Wester, S. A. Maier, and A. Tittl, Continuous spectral and coupling-strength encoding with dual-gradient metasurfaces, Nature Nanotechnology (2024-08).

[55] H. Hu, W. Lu, R. Berte, S. A. Maier, and A. Tittl, Environmental permittivity-asymmetric BIC metasurfaces with electrical reconfigurability, Nature Communications (2024-08).

[54] E. Baù, T. Gölz, M. Benoit, A. Tittl, and F. Keilmann, Nanoscale mechanical manipulation of ultrathin SiN membranes enabling infrared near-field microscopy of liquid-immersed samples, Small (2024-08).

[53] G. Q. Moretti, T. Weber, T. Possmayer, E. Cortés, L. S. Menezes, A. V. Bragas, S. A. Maier, A. Tittl, and G. Grinblat, Si Metasurface Supporting Multiple Quasi-BICs for Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing, Nanophotonics (2024-05).

[52] M. Barkey, R. Büchner, A. Wester, S. D. Pritzl, M. Makarenko, Q. Wang, T. Weber, D. Trauner, S. A. Maier, A. Fratalocchi, T. Lohmüller, and A. Tittl, Pixelated High-Q Metasurfaces for in Situ Biospectroscopy and Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Classification of Lipid Membrane Photoswitching Dynamics, ACS Nano (2024-04).

[51] L. Sortino, A. Gale, L. Kühner, C. Li, J. Biechteler, F. J. Wendisch, M. Kianinia, H. Ren, M. Toth, S. A. Maier, I. Aharonovich, and A. Tittl, Optically addressable spin defects coupled to bound states in the continuum metasurfaces, Nature Communications 15, 2008 (2024-03).

[50] H. Hu, A. K. Pal, A. Berestennikov, T. Weber, A. Stefancu, E. Cortes, S. A. Maier,
and A. Tittl, Semiconductor Metasurfaces for Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering, Advanced Optical Materials (2024-02).

[49] M. Duportal, L. M. Berger, S. A. Maier, A. Tittl*, and K. Krischer, Multi-band metasurface-driven surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy for improved characterization of in-situ electrochemical reactions, ACS Photonics 11, 714-722 (2024-01).


[48] W. Lu, L. S. Menezes, A. Tittl, H. Ren, and S. A. Maier, Active Huygens' metasurface based on in-situ grown conductive polymer, Nanophotonics 13, 39-49 (2023-12).

[47] L. Kühner, F. J. Wendisch, A. A. Antonov, J. Bürger, L. Hüttenhofer, L. S. Menezes,
S. A. Maier, M. V. Gorkunov, Y. Kivshar, and A. Tittl*, Unlocking the out-of-plane dimension for photonic bound states in the continuum to achieve maximum optical chirality, Light: Science & Applications 12, 250 (2023-10).

[46] D. Gryb, F. J. Wendisch, A. Aigner, T. Gölz, A. Tittl, L. S. Menezes, and S. A. Maier, Two-Dimensional Chiral Metasurfaces Obtained by Geometrically Simple Meta-atom Rotations, Nano Letters 23, 8891-8897 (2023-09).

[45] M. Beddoe, T. Gölz, M. Barkey, E. Bau, M. Godejohann, S. A. Maier, F. Keilmann, M. Moldovan, D. Prodan, N. Ilie, and A. Tittl*, Probing the micro-and nanoscopic properties of dental materials using infrared spectroscopy: A proof-of-principle study, Acta Biomaterialia 168, 309-322 (2023-09).

[44] L. M. Berger, M. Barkey, S. A. Maier, and A. Tittl*, Metallic and All-Dielectric Metasurfaces Sustaining Displacement-Mediated Bound States in the Continuum, Advanced Optical Materials 12, 2301269 (2023-09).

[43] J. Wang, T. Weber, A. Aigner, S. A. Maier, and A. Tittl*, Mirror-Coupled Plasmonic Bound States in the Continuum for Tunable Perfect Absorption, Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2300294 (2023-08).

[42] T. Weber, L. Kühner, L. Sortino, A. B. Mhenni, N. P. Wilson, J. Kühne, J. J. Finley, S. A. Maier, and A. Tittl*, Intrinsic strong light-matter coupling with self-hybridized bound states in the continuum in van der Waals metasurfaces, Nature Materials 22, 970-976 (2023-06).

[41] R. Berté, T. Weber, L. S. Menezes, L. Kühner, A. Aigner, M. Barkey, F. J. Wendisch, Y. Kivshar, A. Tittl*, and S. A. Maier, Permittivity-Asymmetric Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum, Nano Letters 23, 2651-2658 (2023-03).

[40] L. M. Berger, M. Duportal, L. S. Menezes, E. Cortés, S. A. Maier, A. Tittl*, and K. Krischer, Improved In Situ Characterization of Electrochemical Interfaces Using Metasurface-Driven Surface-Enhanced IR Absorption Spectroscopy, Advanced Functional Materials 33, 2300411 (2023-03).


[39] L. Kühner, L. Sortino, B. Tilmann, T. Weber, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S. A. Maier, and A. Tittl*, High‐Q Nanophotonics Over the Full Visible Spectrum Enabled by Hexagonal Boron Nitride Metasurfaces, Advanced Materials 35, 2209688 (2022-12).

[38] A. Aigner, A. Tittl, J. Wang, T. Weber, Y. Kivshar, S. A. Maier, and H. Ren, Plasmonic bound states in the continuum to tailor light-matter coupling, Science Advances 8, (2022-12).

[37] T. Dinter, C. Li, L. Kühner, T. Weber, A. Tittl, S. A. Maier, J. M. Dawes, and H. Ren, Metasurface Measuring Twisted Light in Turbulence, ACS Photonics 9, 3043-3051 (2022-09).

[36] L. Kühner, L. Sortino, R. Berté, J. Wang, H. Ren, S. A. Maier, Y. S. Kivshar, and A. Tittl*, Radial bound states in the continuum for polarization-insensitive nanophotonics, Nature Communications 13, 4992 (2022-08).

[35] G. Q. Moretti, A. Tittl, E. Cortés, S. A. Maier, A. V. Bragas, and G. Grinblat, Introducing a Symmetry-Breaking Coupler into a Dielectric Metasurface Enables Robust High-Q Quasi-BICs, Advanced Photonics Research 3, 2200111 (2022-08).

[34] H. Hu, T. Weber, O. Bienek, A. Wester, L. Hüttenhofer, I. D. Sharp, S. A. Maier, A. Tittl and E. Cortés, Catalytic metasurfaces empowered by bound states in the continuum, ACS Nano 16, 13057-13068 (2022-08).

[33] E. Cortés, F. J. Wendisch, L. Sortino§, A. Mancini, S Ezendam, S. Saris, L. S. Menezes, A. Tittl, H. Ren, and S. A. Maier, Optical Metasurfaces for Energy Conversion, Chemical Reviews 122, 15082-15176 (2022-06). Featured on the supplementary cover of Chemical Reviews.

[32] A. John-Herpin, A. Tittl, L. Kühner, F. Richter, S. H. Huang, G. Shvets, S.-H. Oh, and H. Altug, Metasurface-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy: An Abundance of Materials and Functionalities, Advanced Materials 35, 2110163 (2022-05).

[31] J. Wang, S. A. Maier, and A. Tittl, Trends in nanophotonics-enabled optofluidic biosensors, Advanced Optical Materials 10, 2102366 (2022-02).


[30] R. Büchner, T. Weber, L. Kühner, S. A. Maier, and A. Tittl, Tip Coupling and Array Effects of Gold Nanoantennas in Near-Field Microscopy, ACS Photonics 8, 3486-3494 (2021-10). Featured on the front cover of ACS Photonics.

[29] J. Kühne, J. Wang, T. Weber, L. Kühner, S. A. Maier, and A. Tittl, Fabrication robustness in BIC metasurfaces, Nanophotonics 10, 4305-4312 (2021-09).

[28] J. Wang, J. Kühne, T. Karamanos, C. Rockstuhl, S. A. Maier, and A. Tittl, All-dielectric Crescent Metasurface Sensor Driven by Bound States in the Continuum, Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2104652 (2021-08).

[27] E. Mohammadi, A. Tittl, K L. Tsakmakidis, T. V. Raziman, and A. G. Curto,
Dual Nanoresonators for Ultrasensitive Chiral Detections, ACS Photonics 8, 1754–1762 (2021-05).

[26] L. Hüttenhofer, A. Tittl, L. Kühner, E. Cortés, and S. A. Maier, Anapole-Assisted Absorption Engineering in Arrays of Coupled Amorphous Gallium Phosphide Nanodisks, ACS Photonics 8, 1469-1476 (2021-04).


[25] A. Leitis, A. F. Hessler, S. Wahl, T. Taubner, A. Tittl, and H. Altug, All-dielectric programmable Huygens’ metasurfaces, Advanced Functional Materials 30, 1910259 (2020-03).


[24] E. Mohammadi, A. Tavakoli, P. Dehkhoda, Y. Jahani, K. L. Tsakmakidis, A. Tittl, and H. Altug, Accessible Superchiral Near-Fields Driven by Tailored Electric and Magnetic Resonances in All-Dielectric Nanostructures, ACS Photonics 6, 1939-1946 (2019-07). Featured on the supplementary cover of ACS Photonics.

[23] A. Leitis, A. Tittl, M. Liu, B. H. Lee, Y. S. Kivshar, and H. Altug, Angle-multiplexed all-dielectric metasurfaces for broadband molecular fingerprint retrieval, Science Advances 5, (2019-05).

[22] A. Tittl, A. John-Herpin, A. Leitis, E. R. Arvelo, and H. Altug, Metasurface-based molecular biosensing aided by artificial intelligence (invited review), Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58, 14810-14822 (2019-04).

[21] F. Yesilkoy, E. Romero Arvelo, Y. Jahani, M. Liu, A. Tittl, V. Cevher, Y. S. Kivshar,
and H. Altug, Ultrasensitive hyperspectral imaging and biodetection enabled by dielectric metasurfaces, Nature Photonics 13, 390-396 (2019-04).

[20] D. Rodrigo, A. Tittl, A. John-Herpin, O. Limaj, and H. Altug, Self-Similar Multi-Resonant Nanoantenna Arrays for Sensing from Near- to Mid-Infrared, ACS Photonics 5, 4903-4911 (2018-10). Featured on the supplementary cover of ACS Photonics.


[19] A. John-Herpin, A. Tittl, and H. Altug, Quantifying the limits of detection of surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy with grating order-coupled nanogap antennas, ACS Photonics 5, 4117-4124 (2018-09).

[18] A. Tittl, A. Leitis, M. Liu, F. Yesilkoy, D.-Y. Choi, D. N. Neshev, Y. S. Kivshar, and H. Altug, Imaging-based molecular barcoding with pixelated dielectric metasurfaces, Science 360, 1105-1109 (2018-06).

[17] D. Rodrigo, A. Tittl, N. Ait-Bouziad, A. John-Herpin, O. Limaj, C. Kelly, D. Yoo, N. J. Wittenberg, S.-H. Oh, H. A. Lashuel, and H. Altug, Resolving molecule-specific information in dynamic lipid membrane processes with multi-resonant infrared metasurfaces, Nature Communications 9, 2160 (2018-06).


[16] D. Rodrigo, A. Tittl, O. Limaj, F. J. García de Abajo, V. Pruneri, and H. Altug,
Double-layer graphene for enhanced tunable infrared plasmonics, Light: Science & Applications 6, (2017-01).


[15] S. Bagheri, N. Strohfeldt, F. Sterl, A. Berrier, A. Tittl, and H. Giessen, Large-area low-cost plasmonic perfect absorber chemical sensor fabricated by laser interference lithography, ACS Sensors 1, 1148-1154 (2016-08). Featured on the front cover of ACS Sensors.


[14] S. Bagheri, C. M. Zgrabik, T. Gissibl, A. Tittl, F. Sterl, R. Walter, S. De Zuani, A. Berrier, T. Stauden, G. Richter, E. L. Hu, and H. Giessen, Large-area fabrication of TiN nanoantenna arrays for refractory plasmonics in the mid-infrared by femtosecond direct laser writing and interference lithography, Optical Materials Express 5, 2625-2633 (2015-10).

[13] N. Strohfeldt, J. Zhao, A. Tittl, and H. Giessen, Sensitivity engineering in direct contact palladium-gold nano-sandwich hydrogen sensors, Optical Materials Express 5, 2525-2535 (2015-10).

[12] F. Sterl, N. Strohfeldt, R. Walter, R. Griessen, A. Tittl, and H. Giessen, Magnesium as novel material for active plasmonics in the visible wavelength range, Nano Letters 15, 7949-7955 (2015-08). Featured on the front cover of Nano Letters.

[11] A. Tittl, A.-K. U. Michel, M. Schäferling, X. Yin, B. Gholipour, L. Cui, M. Wuttig, T. Taubner, F. Neubrech, and H. Giessen, A switchable mid-infrared plasmonic perfect absorber with multispectral thermal imaging capability, Advanced Materials 27, 4597-4603 (2015-07). Featured on the inside front cover of Advanced Materials.

[10] X. Yin, M. Schäferling, A.-K. U. Michel, A. Tittl, M. Wuttig, T. Taubner, and H. Giessen, Active chiral plasmonics, Nano Letters 15, 4255-4260 (2015-06).

[9] R. Walter, A. Tittl, A. Berrier, and H. Giessen, Large-area low-cost tunable plasmonic perfect absorber in the near-infrared by colloidal etching lithography, Advanced Optical Materials 3, 398-403 (2015-01). Featured in the Best of Advanced Optical Materials 2015 special issue.


[8] N. Li, A. Tittl, S. Yue, H. Giessen, C. Song, B. Ding, and N. Liu, DNA-assembled bimetallic plasmonic nanosensors, Light: Science & Applications 3 (2014-12).

[7] A. Tittl, M. G. Harats, R. Walter, X. Yin, M. Schäferling, N. Liu, R. Rapaport, and H. Giessen, Quantitative Angle-Resolved Small-Spot Reflectance Measurements on Plasmonic Perfect Absorbers: Impedance Matching and Disorder Effects, ACS Nano 8, 10885-10892 (2014-09).

[6] A. Tittl, H. Giessen, and N. Liu, Plasmonic gas and chemical sensing, Nanophotonics 3, 157-180 (2014-05).

[5] N. Strohfeldt, A. Tittl, M. Schäferling, F. Neubrech, U. Kreibig, R. Griessen, and H. Giessen, Yttrium Hydride Nanoantennas for Active Plasmonics, Nano Letters 14, 1140-1147 (2014-02).


[4] A. Tittl, X. Yin, H. Giessen, X.-Q.Tian, Z.-Q. Tian, C. Kremers, D. N. Chigrin, and N. Liu, Plasmonic smart dust for probing local chemical reactions, Nano Letters 13, 1816-1821 (2013-03).

[3] N. Strohfeldt, A. Tittl, and H. Giessen, Long-term stability of capped and buffered palladium-nickel thin films and nanostructures for plasmonic hydrogen sensing applications, Optical Materials Express 3, 194-204 (2013-01).


[2] A. Tittl, C. Kremers, J. Dorfmüller, D. N. Chigrin, and H. Giessen, Spectral shifts in nanoantenna-enhanced hydrogen sensors, Optical Materials Express 2, 111-118 (2012-01).


[1] A. Tittl, P. Mai, R. Taubert, D. Dregely, N. Liu, and H. Giessen, Palladium-Based Plasmonic Perfect Absorber in the Visible Wavelength Range and Its Application to Hydrogen Sensing, Nano Letters 11, 4366-4369 (2011-08).