Facilities in the Nanoinstitute

Dive into the multitude of state-of-the-art laboratories, which form the basis of our scientific work and enable us us to execute the entire sequence of processes required for our research, spanning from fabrication over spectroscopy and applications.

List of Devices and Setups in our Labs

  • Physical Vapour Deposition Platform (Angstrom Instruments)
  • Plasma-Enhanced Ehemical Vapour Deposition (Oxford Instruments)
  • Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching (Oxford Instruments)
  • Van der Waas Materials Transfer Setup
  • Electron Beam Lithography System (Raith GmbH)
  • Dektak Profilometer (Bruker)
  • Spincoaters

  • Low-repetition rate femtosecond laser with optical parametric amplifier (Light Conversion)
  • High-repetition rate femtosecond laser with optical parametric oscillator (APE)
  • Supercontinuum white light laser (NKT Photonics)
  • Liquid Helium closed-cycle cryostat (Montana)
  • multiple Si- and InGaAs- based detection systems

  • O2 Plasma Cleaner (Diener electronic)
  • UV/Ozone Cleaner (Bioforce)
  • Spin coater (Laurell Model WS 650MZ 23NPPB)
  • pH meter (VWR pH enomenal MD8000L)
  • High Temperature Furnace (HTM Reetz)
  • ICP-OES (Agilent 5900)

  • Witec microscope (Oxford Instruments)
  • FT-IR (Invenio spectrometer platform and Lumos microscope, Bruker)
  • Quantum printer Nanoscribe
  • Ellipsometer (Vase, J.A. Woollam)
  • Spero Chemical Imaging Microscope (DRS Daylight solutions)

  • experimental (free space optics) SNOM system
  • Scattering Scanning Optical Near-Field Microscopy (S-SNOM, Attocube systems)
  • Quantum cascade laser (QCL, Daylight solutions)
  • Stuttgart Instruments Laser (NIR, VIS, MIR)
  • Broadband MIR Laser (Toptica)

Our cleanroom

In our stat-of-the-art cleanroom (class 1000), you'll find a range of specialized devices designed to unlock the potential of nanotechnology. Take a look at them:

Plasma-Enhanced Ehemical Vapour Deposition (Oxford Instruments) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching (Oxford Instruments)

Physical Vapour Deposition Platform (Angstrom Instruments)

Electron Beam Lithography System (Raith GmbH)

Our wet benches equipped with spin-coaters and hotplates.

The entrance to our clean- and gray rooms.

Our ultra-fast lab

With our powerful laser systems, we generate tunable sub-200 fs pulses to monitor ultrafast processes on the nanoscale.

Pump-Probe system using supercontinuum generation and a tunable pump.

Our two ultrafast laser sources, with tunable wavelengths generated via nonlinear processes (APE and Light Conversion).

Our iScat setup.

Liquid helium closed-cycle cryostat (Montana)

Our chiral setup.

Our Characterization Lab

In our Optical Characterisation Lab, we have an array of spectroscopy and microscopy instruments and tools that allow us to delve deep into the optical behavior of diverse materials and nanostructures. Take a look at some of our setups:

3d-Nanoprinter based on two-photon polymerization (Nanoscribe)

The WiTec microscope for transmission spectroscopy and raman imaging

Our MIR chemical imaging microscope (DRS Daylight Solutions)

Our first FTIR spectrometer ( Lumos microscope, Bruker)...

... and our second FTIR Spectrometer (Invenio spectrometer platform, Brucker).

Ellipsometer for characterizing thin films (J.A. Woollam)

Our Scanning Near Field Microscopy Lab

In our Scanning Near Field Microscopy (SNOM) Lab, we have an array of spectroscopy and microscopy instruments and tools that allow us to delve deep into the optical behavior of diverse materials and nanostructures. Take a look at some of our setups:

Our SNOM optical table

Our experimental scattering near-field optical microscope.

Laser sources used with the SNOM setups

Our s-SNOM with FTIR (attocube)

Our chemlab

The chemlab offers equipment for the synthesis of novel nanoparticles.

Overview of the Chemlab

Wet benches equipped with sonicators, ultrasonicators and hotplates..

... and more wetbenches.