
Find information about our lectures and seminars

Current Semester (WS 20/21)


  • E6: Festkörperphysik

Previous Semesters: Lectures

  • WS 19/20 E6: Festkörperphysik
  • WS 18/19 E6p: Festkörperphysik für Bachelor plus, Lehramt Gymnasium
  • SS 18 Optoelectronics II
  • SS 17 Optoelectronics II


  • Halide Perovskites for Solar Cells, LEDs, Lasers and more
  • SolTech-Kolloquium
  • Halide Perovskites for Solar Cells, LEDs, Lasers and more
  • SolTech-Seminar: Materials for Renewable Energies
You have a question regarding one of our lectures? Write us an email!