Liste and Geräten in unseren Laboren
- Physical Vapour Deposition Platform (Agstrom Instruments)
- Plasma-Enhanced Ehemical Vapour Deposition (Oxford Instruments)
- Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching (Oxford Instruments)
- Van der Waas Materials Transfer Setup
- Electron Beam Lithography System (Raith GmbH)
- Spincoaters
- Low-repetition rate femtosecond laser with optical parametric amplifier (Light Conversion)
- High-repetition rate femtosecond laser with optical parametric oscillator (APE)
- Supercontinuum white light laser (NKT Photonics)
- Liquid Helium closed-cycle cryostat (Montana)
- multiple Si- and InGaAs- based detection systems
- O2 Plasma Cleaner (Diener electronic)
- UV/Ozone Cleaner (Bioforce)
- Spin coater (Laurell Model WS 650MZ 23NPPB)
- pH meter (VWR pH enomenal MD8000L)
- High Temperature Furnace (HTM Reetz)
- ICP-OES (Agilent 5900)
- Witec microscope (Oxford Instruments)
- FT-IR (Invenio spectrometer platform and Lumos microscope, Bruker)
- Quantum printer Nanoscribe
- Ellipsometer (Vase, J.A. Woollam)
- Spero Chemical Imaging Microscope (DRS Daylight solutions)
- experimental (free space optics) SNOM system
- Scattering Scanning Optical Near-Field Microscopy (S-SNOM, Attocube systems)
- Quantum cascade laser (QCL, Daylight solutions)
- Stuttgart Instruments Laser (NIR, VIS, MIR)
- Broadband MIR Laser (Toptica)