"Science is virtually You" - under the motto the Student Research Conference PSRC took place online via video conference on March 8, 2022. Here, bachelor's and master's students from various fields of the faculty presented their research work to other students in short talks.
Participants of the PSRC 2022.
The Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Physics Professor Dr. Jochen Weller opened the conference and introduced the exciting short talks of the students.
The total of almost 40 participants enjoyed 13 exciting talks from a wide range of disciplines at the Faculty of Physics. Although experimental physics was more strongly represented than theoretical physics this year, there was a successful mix of different topics. Following each short talk, the audience was able to use an online questionnaire to evaluate each presenter's presentation.
In order to be optimally prepared for the conference, the presenters took part in the online workshop "Presenting your Research" one week before the conference and worked intensively on their presentations with a professional trainer.
The "Student Board" with representatives of the physics student council accompanied the scientific program during the Student Research Conference and moderated the scientific presentations.
After the scientific program, the participants were randomly "thrown together" into different virtual "rooms" at the "get-together" and invited to an informal exchange.
Anna Rupp, winner of the Best Student Talk Award 2022.
The highlight of the conference was the final award ceremony for the best talk which was determined from the average of the scores of the personal evaluation sheets. Professor Weller announced Anna Rupp as the winner of the "Best Student Talk Award 2022" to the applause of the participants.
Anna Rupp is a master's student in the Nanophotonics Group of Prof. Alexander Högele and gave a talk on "Imaging moiré patterns of 2D materials". As part of her master's thesis, Anna developed an imaging technique based on scanning electron microscopy that enables the observation of moiré patterns.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate again the winner, Anna Rupp and to thank all participants for the interesting presentations! A big thank you also goes to all the supervisors of the students who supported them during the preparation and to the "Student Board". It was an all-around successful and very exciting conference! We are looking forward to the next "Physics Student Research Conference".