Dr. Max Warkentin
Research associate
Faculty of Physics
Office address:
Room B 235
80939 Munich
Research associate
Faculty of Physics
Office address:
Room B 235
80939 Munich
Max Warkentin is interested in how Augmented Reality can support learning in the area of physics education. For his research, he develops new digital learning environments and analyzes their effectiveness regarding learning gains and learning experience by conducting studies with students.
In the context of the CESAR (Conceptual Understanding of Electromagnetism Supported by Augmented Reality Experiments) project, he particularly focusses on the development of an augmented school experiment for understanding the Lorentz force. In this experiment, wearing AR smartglasses allows to visualize various magnetic fields using different representations.
Max Warkentin studied physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München (2009-2016), where he also obtained his PhD in theoretical particle physics in 2022. Since 2022 he is employed as a scientific staff member at the chair of physics education in the physics faculty of the LMU.